If you would like to join any of the social groups, please contact the office.
Tuesday Circle Women’s Group
The group starts with a cup of tea or coffee and a social time for half an hour followed by one hour of group study. Usually the group selects a Christian themed book to study over several months. The women who attend find the group supportive and a way of making connections and furthering friendships in a multi-age group.
Meetings: First and third Tuesdays, 10:30am-12pm in the Parish Centre.
Men’s Spirituality Group (MSG)
MSG explores faith and spirituality from a male perspective over pizza and wine. MSG is a safe place for members to share and be fed as we deal with the demands of family, work and identity.
Meetings: First and third Tuesday evenings of the month, 7.00pm in the Parish Centre.
Meetings: 5pm every Wednesday in the Parish Centre.
Dream Stitches
Dream Stitches Migrant and Refugee Women’s Sewing Program Inc.
Several parishioners from St Paul’s support Dream Stitches as volunteer sewing and cooking teachers and helpers in the Children’s Program. The program has mutual benefits. A sense of fulfilment is gained by volunteers, and the migrant and refugee women and their children are truly welcomed to Australia. The sharing of skills provides enrichment and gives a real sense of empowerment to women, who are feeling isolated and insecure in their new surroundings.