What is baptism?
Baptism is the sign of new life through Jesus Christ. It unites the one baptised with Christ and with his people, the Church.
Baptism is a sign of the kingdom of God and of the life of the world to come.
Baptism is not just an event: it is a journey. In baptism, we welcome a child or an adult into the Christian faith: to begin the journey with God through stories of Jesus, within the unfolding story of the worldwide church, and with the continual guidance of the Holy Spirit.
From one point of view, baptism represents what God does for us – he gives us a new birth by his Holy Spirit. This is what we pray for when we are baptized. The one essential thing on the part of the person being baptised is sincere faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the case of an infant, this response of faith must be made in the name of the infant by sponsors, (parents and godparents) until such time as the infant can make his or her own response.
Who may be godparents?
Godparents are family members or friends close to the family who are interested in the child’s spiritual nurture. Godparents should be able to answer ‘Yes’ to the following questions:
Are you yourself a follower of Jesus Christ and a member of his Church, sincerely believing the promises of God?
Are you willing to sponsor this child, answering for him/her now, and accepting responsibility for his/her Christian upbringing?
Those who act as godparents in baptism are accepting the responsibility, with parents, of providing encouragement, teaching and the help of a good example so that the children may be brought up to follow Christ and become faithful members of the church.
When should baptism take place?
Baptism should, whenever possible, be at a public service on a Sunday. This means the whole congregation can witness and welcome the admission of the newly-baptised into Christ’s church. However, if necessary, the baptism may take place at another time. This should be discussed with the minister of the parish church where the parents live, or where they regularly attend church. It is most important that a firm link be formed with the church in which the child is likely to be raised.
Is there a fee for baptism?
No. Parents should feel no obligation in this respect. If they wish to make a thank offering, either through the normal offertory or in some other way, they are free to do so.
What else can parents do?
Pray for the child. Baptism is not a naming ceremony; it can be a most meaningful occasion for establishing yourselves, your home and your family in a right relationship with God.
You may have been out of touch with the church; or you may wish to ask about baptism or confirmation for yourself.
If you are not certain that you are ready to bring your child for baptism, there is a brief service of ‘Thanksgiving for a Child’ in A Prayer Book for Australia, which you may like to ask us about.
We look forward to welcoming your child into the family of God and into our Parish family.
We will be in contact prior to that date to arrange for a member of the ministry team to visit with you and the godparents to read and discuss the baptism service.
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.