St Paul’s Anglican Church Canterbury Choir
“Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth”
St Paul’s has a fine tradition of choral music in the Anglican tradition. The mixed choir of twenty enthusiastic members aged from nine to eighty perform an exciting and challenging repertoire of music every Sunday. The weekly rehearsal provides a wonderful music education for all participants and contributes to loyal friendships and mutual love of musical performance.
The parish is proud of its 1915 Fincham & Son’s pipe organ. It was rebuilt in 1965 by Hill, Norman and Beard and is well maintained. The Yamaha Grand Piano is used in worship services alongside other voice and instrumental soloists.
St Paul’s welcomes and encourages children whose musical, spiritual, intellectual and social lives will be greatly enriched through participation in the musical activities. The Advent Service of Nine Lessons and Carols is a musical highlight each year.